An Ashland police sergeant was recently indicted in Middlesex Superior Court after he allegedly destroyed drugs in an open 2011 case, and then allegedly tried to intimidate a fellow officer who reported it. The sergeant was specifically charged with two counts of obstruction of justice and one count of wanton…
Massachusetts Criminal Lawyer Blog
Ashland Man Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?
According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, an Ashland man assaulted his girlfriend last week. The man was charged with one count of attempted murder, under G. L. c. 265, § 16, and one count of assault and battery, under G. L. c. 265, § 13A. Although allegations of…
Police Search Framingham Man and Find Various Drugs
A Framingham man was arrested last week on various drug charges. According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, police responded to a report of a loud argument on Carlson Road. When the police arrived, they found the defendant and several other people walking in the area. The police reportedly…
Framingham Woman Allegedly Stabs Man in Walgreens Parking Lot
According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, a Framingham woman seeking to buy marijuana in a Walgreens parking lot allegedly stabbed a man there. The woman called police from the parking lot located on School Street and reported that she had gone to the location to buy marijuana.…
Framingham Man Breaks into Home, Finds Wife Cheating
According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, a Framingham man broke into a home on Charles Street last week and discovered his wife taking a shower with another man. According to the defendant’s lawyer, the defendant and his wife were at their own home earlier that night. Around…
SJC Holds that Juvenile Court Judges May Allow Motion to Dismiss Prior to Arraignment
For a criminal charge to issue against an individual, a police officer must submit an application to the court for a criminal complaint. The application includes the alleged facts and the charges sought. A clerk magistrate then reviews the application to determine whether there is a sufficient basis for the…
Man Charged with Theft of Brother’s Vodka and Car in Natick
According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, a man broke into his brother’s Natick home and stole a bottle of vodka. He also reportedly took his brother’s jacket, along with the car keys in the jacket pocket, and then left in his brother’s car. His brother woke up…
Framingham Woman Charged with Stabbing Boyfriend
A Framingham woman was arraigned on November 18th on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. According to an article in the MetroWest Daily News, the woman stabbed her boyfriend in the hand. The article specifically alleges that the police were called to the woman’s apartment building and…
SJC Rules that Law Reducing School Zone Radius is Retroactive
On August 2, 2012, the Massachusetts legislature passed the 2012 crime bill. Part of this bill reduced the minimum mandatory sentences associated with various drug crimes. This included a reduction of the size of “school zone” violations, which carry enhanced penalties for drug crimes committed near a school. The bill…
SJC Limits Opinion Testimony in OUI Trials
The Supreme Judicial Court recently issued an important decision about the admissibility of opinion evidence in operating under the influence (OUI) trials. In Commonwealth v. Canty, issued on November 6, 2013, the SJC held that a police officer is not permitted to offer opinion testimony as to whether a defendant’s…